2.9 Mars Scratch Animation
- Due May 13, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 20
- Submitting a website url
- Use creativity and imagination to animate a planned phase of the Artemis Mars Mission
- Review animation techniques in Scratch
- Learn or practice these specific Scratch skills
- Import an Animated GIF and loop animate with costume changes
- Use a loop to change relative sprite size
- Animate multiple sprites simultaneously with BROADCAST or time delay blocks
- Deepen knowledge and understanding of NASA's Planned Artemis Missions to the Moon and Mars
- This is not a "science fiction" animation assignment. (i.e. no aliens)
- Feel free to be whimsical / silly and have fun with animation elements, but be sure the processes and equipment you are showing "map" to actual NASA plans / reasonable equipment and procedures.
- While you should brainstorm / collaborate with your classmates (who are working on the same MISSION PHASE) you will EACH create your OWN Scratch Project and recorded animation screencast.
- Review the 7 Phases of the Mars Artemis Mission Animation (slideshow)
- Participate in a "Phase Selection draft." (spreadsheet)
- Brainstorm / collaborate with other students who selected your same Mars Mission animation phase.
- Use Scratch to create a 15 to 60 second animation of your selected Artemis Mars Mission phase.
- In your Scratch project be sure to:
- Import an Animated GIF and loop animate with costume changes
- Use a loop to change relative sprite size
- Animate multiple sprites simultaneously with BROADCAST or time delay blocks
- Be sure to save and SHARE your Scratch project. (i.e. log in!)
- Record an engaging and impressive SCREENCAST video (no audio narration needed) of your Scratch animation in FULL SCREEN mode.
Turn In
- Upload your final screencast video to Google Drive.
- SHARE the file in Google Drive so ANYONE WITH THE LINK can VIEW.
- Login to our "Animation Screencasts" Padlet.
- Post the SHARE LINK to your animation video in this Padlet, including a TITLE about your Mars Artemis Mission PHASE.
- In the post description, include a LINK to your shared Scratch Project.
- In the description BELOW your Scratch project link, also include 1-3 complete sentences describing your animation project.
Use this link to VIEW everyone's Mars Scratch Animation Project links.
Keep in mind that 29 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
Padlet, Google Drive and Scratch Links
Description in Padlet
Animation Quality
Total Points:
out of 20