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Family Oral History Project Rubric
Family Oral History Project Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Interview Preparation
threshold: pts
10 pts
Full Marks
The student has chosen a family member, informed them about the project, shared the permission form, and set up a suitable time and place for the interview. They have also created a comprehensive script with at least five planned questions, using both closed and open-ended types.
5 pts
Partial Credit
The student has done some preparation but might have missed out on informing the family member about the project or failed to share the permission form. The script has less than five questions or lacks diversity in question types (closed/open-ended).
0 pts
No Marks
Little to no evidence of preparation. The script is missing or has less than three questions.
10 pts
Recording Quality
threshold: pts
10 pts
Full Marks
The audio recording is clear, with minimal background noise, showing that the student selected a suitable environment and effectively used the Voice Memos app. The permission form is filled out properly.
5 pts
Partial Credit
The audio recording has some background noise or minor disruptions, indicating that the location might not have been optimal. The permission form might have some sections not filled out.
0 pts
No Marks
The audio recording is of poor quality, making it hard to understand the conversation. The permission form is missing or incomplete.
10 pts
Interview Content
threshold: pts
10 pts
Full Marks
The student demonstrates excellent interviewing skills. Their questions encourage the interviewee to share in-depth personal stories, and there's a good balance between introductory, closed, and open-ended questions.
5 pts
Partial Credit
The student's interviewing skills are average. The questions might be somewhat generic or not elicit detailed responses from the interviewee. The balance between question types is skewed.
0 pts
No Marks
The student struggles with interviewing skills. Questions are too basic or unrelated to the family history, lacking depth and understanding.
10 pts
Sharing and Presentation
threshold: pts
10 pts
Full Marks
The student has successfully uploaded the audio interview and photo to the required platforms, ensuring the permissions are set correctly for viewing. The interview link and script are appropriately placed below the photo in Padlet.
5 pts
Partial Credit
The student has uploaded the interview and photo, but there might be issues with permissions or placement of the links in Padlet. Some steps might have been skipped or done incorrectly.
0 pts
No Marks
Significant issues with uploading or sharing files. Permissions might be incorrect, preventing viewing, or the necessary links are missing or misplaced in Padlet.
10 pts
Turn In Requirements
threshold: pts
10 pts
Full Marks
The student has accurately copied the link to their Padlet post and pasted it in Canvas for assignment submission.
5 pts
Partial Credit
The student has submitted the link, but it might not directly lead to their post or might require additional steps to access.
0 pts
No Marks
The student hasn't submitted the link or has provided an unrelated or incorrect link.
10 pts
Total Points: 50 out of 50